Thursday, July 23, 2009

VBS Family Night

Alright so this is officially the first blog post coming from the sound booth at church. As of right now I am sitting in the back with Kaylee and Jonathan just chilling before the family night for VBS. I am praying that things will go good and that everything will go smooth. I was just handed the program for tonight and it looks like things will be a little hectic =P. Tomorrow will officially be the last day for VBS for the year and I am partly happy and partly sad. It has been a great week, got to know (Kaylee is looking over my shoulder right now critiquing my word usage) a lot of good kids and some crazy people. =P Hopefully tomorrow will be a quick day because I am soo stinking ready to go to the pool. So right now I am debating if I want to go to Walgreens or chill out here. The air is acting up and I am tired of random comments from me. If only the air would work then things would be more comfortable. Dad just walked up and I am going to work on getting the air fixed. Talk to you later. . .

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