Monday, June 29, 2009

My Best Friend Gave Me The Best Advice. . .

I got home from the pool a few mins ago and I am kinda ready to chill before work in the morning. I like work, don't get me wrong, but I like the pool a little more. I am going to be at the pool Wednesday and Saturday for most of the day. I guess I will be ok for the week. ;) Ok so moving on; the title of my blog. I downloaded the song "If Today Was Your Last Day" by Nickelback on Friday. Now I don't recommend going out and buying the album, or any album by Nickelback, but I do think this song is worth downloading or at least listening to. It's a great song that talks about how we need to live like today was our last day. There are soo many songs out there that talk about this concept but this one just seems to be a little more realistic. The first line in the song is the title for my post ("My best friend gave me the best advice") but the second line is one that I think is the most true, "He said each day is a gift and not a given right". That is totally true, each day is a gift, a gift from God, and we don't have an unlimited supply of days. It goes back to the song by Shane and Shane, "Arise". In this song it says "Teach me to number my days, at the most 80 years, who cares about meaningless things". I mean honestly, if "Today Was Your Last Day", are you going to be caring about the time when your best friend took the larger cookie. Umm I would hope not, but we don't know when our last day is. . . so we should treat each day like it is our last day, the last day of our life. This goes back to the song by Nickelback, in the song it asks the question "Could you say goodbye to yesterday?". This is not saying forget about the past, the good, its asking could you forget the small things in the past, the stupid stuff, the grudges you hold; because truthfully they don't matter. These small things are a waste. We spend too much time holding grudges, being mad at others for small stuff. "Would you forgive your enemies?" is another line from Nickelback. I mean it's easy to say, but is it easy to do knowing that right now, today was the last day you would be physically alive on earth. Would it just be simple to say "yes, I forgive all my enemies". I don't know, but it's something to think about. Hope you have a great day, treat it like it's your last. . =)

1 comment:

  1. Stephen, you are wise beyond your years. I love what you blgo about, so keep up the good work.
